subject is reaction to carlin's thought on the phrase "the greatest thing since sliced bread..."
reason i am saying this is because i am learning what a pain in the butt couponing is. its not easy and if your store isn't handling your merchandise that day then you can't buy something for nothing. nothing for something? i dunno... it don't work is the point.
what gets my goat is a few things... flippin comcast. i hate 'em, and i only watch certain shows at certain times, mostly either the day-of so i don't have to watch the commercials (an hour later for that reason) or the next day if i don't HAVE to see it then. (like south park... thats a must-see wednesday night thing when the new season starts. cause the watercooler talk is rampant i basically get the whole show from an idiot's point of view here unless i see it myself first anyway.)
and huge possibility in an effort to save money i will have to do this switcheroo thing cause i am looking at 2 fulltime jobs for a year. during which time i would do nothing at home but sleep and eat, stroke the cat, and head back out to work. so i won't have time except on the weekend to watch my DVR so i may as well watch them on hulu or some web based tv.
so i have a wireless internet connection that i have been using to kill my cellphone bill and guess what? its flippin nice! i never get a call from them about using too much service or too much downloading or whatever. only drawback, like the original cellphones, it only works in certain areas. you could say my WIFI clearspot is like the original analog cellphone services. you're lucky if you even get a signal, let alone the other person is trying to get ahold of you. i am, i'd say, the last point before completely free wifi is available everywhere, and if you have a dunce for a neighbor, some get free wifi from their houses. some... but with respect to the "cellphone" aspect of it, my ipod touch works fine for the job which its used for... FREE TEXTING.
since i text more than talk, either on interwebs or phone its all the same, and if its deathly important you can text me to call you and i will either thru my laptop or ipod.... (remember the pager, thirtysomethings???) the nice thing is noone can really get ahold of me unless 3 things occur. 1. i am at work so they call directly. 2. i actually call them back. 3. i feel like participating and call them back. otherwise, well, it can wait till i get to work.
but the nice has its drawbacks... if you can't get ahold of me i fall out of the loop... i find being off facebook already entirely gets me out of the loop so this just furthur pushes me outside of loopdom. also in order for me to receive a call i have to be logged out of google mail, Gmail... since i am always logged in to that you go right to voicemail, which is the last drawback. for one, i like howard stern, not many really do but his humor sticks with me sometimes too much and YEARS ago he recorded on air outgoing voicemail thats a little racy but funny. i mean, it went over FCC regulated radio so how bad can it be right...? ok, its not the greatest message, but its designed to make you laugh and if you don't, well, just leave a dang message. for two, although a nice feature on google voice, the voicemails are transcribed. cool huh? yeah, well, as my cousin kelly put it... its kinda like chinglish... chinese english... you could leave a message saying "the sky is blue" and it may transcribe "this guy grew"... so you still have to listen to the message, but sometimes it turns into its own game of MADLIBS...
looking to remove myself from the cable spectrum all together so i can save enough for a downpayment of a house and to spend over 1200/yr for service that comes and goes and shows that are mostly unwatchable... i am finding out about sites like hulu or xboxlive and netflix (ohh the dreaded netflix... i say that cause their popup on pennlive everyday drives me insane... and the stateworker blocker is just that. it works for 5 minutes and then sleeps...)
so if cable and dvr and such is the greatest thing since sliced bread, this tech society we live in now has to come up with something similar to sliced bread in order to keep me going. life without a TV is hard. i have given up many addictions in life but the TV is heroin to me. its a must have every day. if i don't take in that radiation, that alien from spaceballs won't stop growing in my stomach. and i need that thing to pop out and do a song and dance eventually. ....."baby my heart's on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire"...
so hulu for some great shows maybe, i need to find a cheap used xbox or ps3 to complete the wifi connection so i can keep using my laptop for um, laptop duties... and go from there. if i watch one show 4x a month, in the apple app store its 8 dollars/mo... will this add up for me i dunno... maybe appletv is the way to go. so the research starts...NOW.
but i just have one hope... that jeopardy comes thru on the digital antenna... if not i may need a breadknife.
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